Peekaboo Time by Rachel Isadora
No Go Sleep! by kate Feiffer
Blackout by John Rocco
From our Tumblebooks subscription we watched
Bebe Goes Shopping by Susan Middlenton Elya
I use my regular opening song and Wiggles to get some of the "wiggles", and my regular closing song. We tried a couple of new rhymes:
Hands Go Up
Hands go up and hands go down
I can turn myself around
I can stand up on one shoe
I can listen so can you
I can sit, I’ll show you how
Storytime is starting now
What the
Animals Do
We’ll hop, hop, hop like a bunny
And run, run, run like a dog.
We’ll walk, walk, walk like an elephant,
And jump, jump like a frog.
We’ll swim, swim, swim like a goldfish,
And fly, fly, fly like a bird.
We’ll sit right down and fold our hands
And not say a single word.