Opening Song
Hello, hello (name) is here today, (name) is here today!
We all clap together because (name) is here today!
Good morning (name)
* repeat for each child!!
Closing Song
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye to you!
I hope you had fun!
Say goodbye to (name) *repeat with each child
Say goodbye to everyone, everyone, everyone
clap, clap, clap, YEAH!
Baby Rhyme
These are baby’s fingers (tickle fingers)
These are baby’s toes (tickle toes)
This is baby’s tummy button (tickle belly)
Round and round it goes!
One to Five
One little nose,
Two little feet,
Three little tickles on your tummy so sweet!
Four little kisses on five little toes,
Then one more kiss for your sweet little nose!
Up & Down Rhyme
Up, up in the sky like this, (gently lift baby in the air)
Down, down for a great big kiss( slowly bring baby down and kiss)
Up like this (lift up)
Down for a kiss (lower down)
You’re my special baby! (hug and cuddle baby)
Birthday candles
Birthday candles one-two-three (hold up fingers on the
Birthday candles just for me! (point to self)
Last year two- next year four (hold up two fingers on left
hand and four fingers on right)
Birthday candles I want more! (hold up 10 fingers)
Cap, Mittens, Shoes,
and Socks
Cap, mittens, shoes, and socks,
Shoes and socks
Cap, mittens, shoes, and socks,
Shoes and socks.
And pants and belt, and shirt and tie,
Go together wet or dry,
Wet or dry!
Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, wiggle here
wiggle, wiggle there
wiggle your hands up in the air,
wiggle your shoulders and
wiggle your hips,
wiggle your knees and
move your lips
wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
wiggle and bend
wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
and this is the end.
Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, wiggle here
wiggle, wiggle there
wiggle your hands up in the air,
wiggle your shoulders and
wiggle your hips,
wiggle your knees and
move your lips
wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
wiggle and bend
wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
and this is the end.