Our Totally Tots enjoyed a "Winter & Snow" theme on a bright sunny morning, ideally it would have been snowing but we still had fun with our snowflakes and snowmen.
We started with our opening song "The More We Get Together" followed by a quick fun song that kicks off our story time "Let's Start StoryTime".
Our first book was Ezra Jack Keats classic
The Snowy Day I am lucky that our library owns a big book copy which is so much more fun to read and look at when you have a room full of little ones.
We followed the book by building our own felt snowman and a fun fingerplay "Here's a Hill". One of the lines had us jumping on our sleds and ZOOMING down the hill.
Our next book was
Oh! by Kevin Henkes I loved this book. The combination of short text against a full page illustration with one focal point work great. I created a flannel using the images and put them up as we were reading and as we were saying goodbye we took them down.
The group was in need of some movement so we did a round of Open, Shut Them and Shake My Sillies- unfortunately they just replaced our computers but not the speakers- the kids didn't mind my singing and we all had fun.
Our final book was
Snowy, Blowy Winter by Bob Raczka. The kids were a bit distracted and restless maybe because we kept talking about how much fun they had had sledding over the weekend. To wrap up our session I had make Snowflakes that we used to sing "Dance Like Snowflakes". We followed all our dancing with our closing song "We Wave Goodbye Like This".