A New Year and new goals for this blog. I start every round of story time with the best intentions of posting every theme and how it worked, along with book reviews, and anything interesting in the world of early literacy. And at the end of every story time session I realize how behind I am on my postings, my reviews, and everything else. This past fall was very intense~ 12 weeks of programs, over 50 programs, special events, a group and solo conference presentations, and transitioning into a full time position. December was a month of renewal and re-prioritizing with a much deserved family vacation at the end of the month. So here we are mid January and no posting....so the goals this year are
- Post every Thursday or Friday the week's story time themes & special program.
- Post once a month 2-3 book reviews. I am challenging myself to read at least 5 or 6 books a month.
- Share news from the blogsphere with other bloggers and readers.
Professionally, I want to continue learning about Every Child Ready to Read and ways to include the principles into my programs. I want to become actively involved within our professional organization, CLASS, a group of Children's Librarians in the south side suburbs.
So be ready for a post tomorrow about our first week of Winter Story Time~ Baby Bloomers, Crawlers, & Totally Tots. Plus, Bedtime Stories!