Week two of story time and we are starting to get our groove back. This week we were all in sync and the kids loved the books. We had a blast dancing to our super fast version of Heads & Shoulders and Shake Your Sillies.
Our Crawlers & Totally Tots share the same opening song:
Opening Song-
Everybody say one, story time has just began
Everybody say two, shake your shoulders show your shoes
Everybody say three, listen very carefully
Everybody say four, and put your bottoms on the floor
All the groups enjoy the Wiggles, this week I added shakers & bells to add some "noise" to our movement.
A wiggle, wiggle here
A wiggle, wiggle there.
Wiggle your hands up in
the air
Wiggle our shoulders and
wiggle your hips,
Wiggle your knees and move
your lips,
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
And wiggle and bend
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle,
And this is the end!
Book: Meeow and the Pots and Pans by Sebastien Braun
I love this book. The text is ideal for engaging little kids about what objects around the kitchen, like the word colander, what is a colander? You get very funny answers. It is full of color and action. We started sharing our favorite foods, since we thought Meeow was going to bake a cake, at the end we decided he should cook Chicken Nuggets & Mac & Cheese~ needless to say we were all very hungry by the end of story time.
Rhyme: Two Little Eyes to Look
Two little eyes to look
Two little ears to hear a
One little nose to smell
what’s sweet
One little mouse that
likes to eat!
Nursery Rhyme: Hey Diddle Diddle We never got around chanting our Nursery Rhyme this week.
Song: Walking, Walking
Book: Pots & Pans by Patricia Hubbell
This is the perfect book for these groups~ the rhyming leads itself to almost singing as you are reading. Toddlers loved finding the hidden kitty and items throughout the book.
Rhyme: Make a Noise
Make a noise like a
Make a noise like a hen
Make a noise like a chick
Make a noise like an
unhatched egg
Good! And now you are
ready to listen.
Book: Clap Hands by Helen Oxenbury
Song: Heads & Shoulders~ super fast version
Our babies enjoyed a few small books, and Peek-a-Boo (with scarves) & Clapping songs. We also used our bells and shakers to play along with the rhymes.
Book: Quiet Loud by Leslie Patricelli, Honk Honk! Baa Baa! by Petr Horacek, and Bedtime for Chickies by Janee Trasler, plus Clap your Hands by Helen Oxenbury
Bubble Time
Playtime activity: Flannel quiet & noise~ I have different pictures (dog, cat, crying baby, train, truck, etc) and we all took turns putting the pieces on the flannel board and saying what sound our object/animal/person does.
Goodbye song: We Wave Goodbye Like This
We wave goodbye like this,
We wave goodbye like this,
to all our friends.
We clap our hands like
We clap our hands like
with all our friends.
Story time has ended.