Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Totally Tots- Pets
I normally use the same themes for all my programs- babies, crawlers, and tots. I change the books unless I find a phenomenal book that works for everyone and some of the rhymes since the older kids can handle more movement and directions. Today, I went with two of the books I used yesterday and added The Doghouse by Jan Thomas. The kids loved the suspense of not knowing what was happening to cow, pig, duck, and mouse. We shared several body action rhymes, and of course danced with our scarves. I think I found a solution to the lack of interest with our nursery rhymes. Every week I have been trying to incorporate nursery rhymes into the program but most weeks no one seems interested on chanting the rhyme. The last couple of weeks I changed the format and have the kids help me with the flannel pieces, getting them actively engaged has made all the difference. We all take turns and chant the rhyme as they place the flannel pieces. Since I only have three to five pieces per rhyme we repeat the rhyme two or three times to ensure everyone has a chance to place at least one piece. Here is today's handout