Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Totally Tots- Noise & Quiet

Today's theme was "Noise & Quiet" and we sure did make a lot of noise. The group is growing and the kids are starting to know each other and myself. They were ready to go with our "Let's Start Story Time!" song, which we repeat three times for good measure, another hit was "Shake My Sillies Out". Here is today's program:

Opening Song- "The More We Get Together"
Song: Let's Start Story Time!"
Clap Your Hands
Clap Your Hands by Lorinda Bryan Cauley. The kids loved the story and were really good at following the directions- clap your hands, wiggle your nose, roar like a lion, etc. 

Song: "Shake My Sillies Out"
Rhyme: "Open, Shut Them"
Flannel: "What noise do they make" I got the idea from Katie's Story Time Secret blog. I used different pictures (truck, train, dog, cat, baby, sheep) pictures and had the kids do the different noises.
Meeow and the Pots and Pans
Meeow and The Pots and Pans by Sebastien Braun. Some of the kids weren't totally into the story while others were curious to know what Meeow and his friends were going to do with all the kitchen utensils.
Rhyme: "Where Are We"
Song: "If You Like Books and You Know It"
Toot Toot Beep Beep
Toot Toot Beep Beep by Emma Garcia.  This was a fun book and one that could work with my Babies group as well.  I am actually going to create a flannel using the pictures of all the different cars and trucks. 
Song: "Hokey Pokey" with egg shakers- here is where they noise level got a little bit out of hand. They all loved the shakers granted there was very little singing. 
Fingerplay: "Here Is the Choo Choo Train"
Closing Song: "We Wave Goodbye Like This"

Overall it was a great session, specially since the room was packed and it was a bit to warm.  The kids were engaged and loved the songs and stories.