Summer is coming to an end fast, before we know it the
leaves will change colors and the weather will get cooler. This has been my
first summer in the Youth Services Department and it has been a busy one. We implemented a new online program to manage
our registration and book logging and for the most part, it worked
amazingly. Patrons loved not having to
fill endless pieces of paper and we loved not having to tally them. We found by accident that not having to spend
some much time focused on managing the onslaught of paper meant more meaningful interactions
with patrons. My readers advisory skills
were put to the test and most time I was able to find a book or two for an
eager or reluctant reader.
August was supposed
to be the month to recharge, but instead it has been consumed with programming
and weeding. I have been developing new
programs and adding sessions to my existing programs, moving dates and times,
and revamping my “baby bloomers” to incorporate Every Child Ready to Read II
(ECRRII). Some of the new things I will
be doing this fall is hosting a monthly family storytime on Saturday mornings. I wanted
to reach out to working parents or those whose little ones are starting
preschool during our regular story times.
I will also be hosting a book release party for the latest Wimpy Kid
book, Diary of a Wimpy Kid Hard Luck due out November 5th. It has the potential to be a fun afternoon
with trivia games, creative snacks, and ALA free goodies.
I am excited for the busy fall ahead of me, for the new opportunities and families I will get to serve, for the children who will walk away from the library having shared stories, songs, and play time. I am reminded everyday that I have the perfect job and work in an amazing community.