Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Some many blogs to choose from...

For my reviews, I selected Library Stuff, overall it is a nice and simple blog to explore, in doing so I found  out this section “130 tools in 160 minutes”. It is really cool and practical.  One of the tools I found here is “I want to…” a blog created by a librarian. This site has a number of quick articles on current applications and Web 2.0 tools.  

Additionally I found “A Media Specialist’s Guide to the Internet”, another easy to read and full of practical information blog.  For example, their latest posting which can be accessed through the above link contains 32 links to information on cyber bullying prevention.   You can also connect to a number of blogs related to the school library world from this blog. 

When looking for blogs I wanted something that could inspire my future practice as a school librarian, I wanted a blog by current school librarians about their school libraries in a more down to earth approach.  I actually found a wiki the Blogging Libraries Wiki that list a number of school library blogs- some of them are international! I went with a local school library that blogs about their daily events, the Orrington School Library in Evanston, IL.   I like how this school librarian takes a fun approach to engaging students as they teach them about the library.  They include reading lists and animated slides with future books to read.